Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Fascinating stuff that I feel compelled to share...

From "tricky foods" (from Four Weeks Magazine, where else?)

"Smaller containers of orange juice give you more vitamin C! That's because ready-to-drink OJ rapidly loses its vitamin C as soon as it’s opened, according to an American Dietetic Association study."

Well, I don't like orange juice--I prefer oranges themselves and have gotten out of the habit of eating them. But I figure most folks have OJ for breakfast and that this would be an interesting bit of info.

Another tidbit: in the 2nd week (8-13 days) a woman's sense of smell is heightened for three things: "roses, male sweat and male urine. You can thank today's high estrogen for your nasal ability. In early cave days, during this fertile high-estrogen phase of your cycle your nose was important for sniffing out a man's health through his excretions. And the roses? Obviously, even cave girls couldn't resist a pretty long-stemmed bouquet..." (also FWM)

Roses--wow, it's been a long time since I've had a real one (I sometimes buy the miniature roses at Whole Foods.)

I had bizarr-o dreams last night probably due to the fact that I forgot my bedtime meds.

Over and out...

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