Friday, March 30, 2007

You are what you drink...

So I'm still working on what this blog will look like on a day to day basis (and yes, I hope to update it daily.)

Whilst I'm working on that, here's an article by Jane Brody (of the NYT, yo!) about drinking habits. A quote I like: " may never outgrow your need for milk." Essentials found in milk include: "magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, vitamin A, riboflavin, folate and protein."

Good choices today: yogurt with lunch, about 3 oz.


bobbie said...

okay, now i have both blog feeds updated - sorry i lost them!!

love the new digs!

KitchenKiki said...

I wonder if she is the same Jane Brody that wrote a cookbook. My college roommate had a healthy cooking cookbook by "Jane Brody." After looking at the listings on Amazon, I'm not sure what book she had, but I'm pretty sure I have the author correct.

Sarah Louise said...

I think she is. She's not the same Brody that wrote the Kitchen Survival guide, but she has a different first name.