Saturday, August 6, 2011

Allergies...are ya kidding me?

So, I do not have medical evidence (aka, the skin tests*), but I know my body well enough to know that I am now allergic to the following foods:

tree nuts (almonds, at least)

The top two make me sneeze or eyes itch. Soy makes me disoriented. And soy is in EVERYTHING.

I know it's wrong, but I subsist on tv dinners. Well, if you want no soy, you have to get everything with CHEESE. Which I'm not allergic to, but I try to stay away from dairy in the week before my period. Also, dairy is not the best if you're trying to avoid sinus infections. So. Week 1 of my period: monster cramps AND a sinus infection. Yeah.

So I'm compiling good allergy links, as I look into the fall and cooler weather to cook, recipes, dining out tips, etc. Here is some of what I've uncovered:

Allergy Eats. The site is new and a little buggy, but it does give ratings from folks that have eaten there on what the response was to allergy related requests, etc.

Allergic Living. Website to the magazine with the same name. Will look into a subscription. The website has recipes, blogs, food allergy info, asthma info, all sorts of good info.

Best Allergy Sites. A sort of catchall for a lot of sites on gluten-free and and hypo-allergenic living.

Mom's Food Allergy Diner. A blog written by a mom with allergy free recipes. I think my rate of home cooking will go way up once the weather cools down.

Tips for eating out. I especially liked this one from WebMD.

I'll keep you updated. I have not been blogging regularly anywhere, life has been CRAZY, but it is helpful to have a place to park this kind of information.

What makes me so mad (and sad) is that foods that I used to love are now off limits.

getting those after my sister's wedding in 6 days!
(unless I have to use an antihistamine after