Sunday, August 26, 2007

When you re-read a classic you do not see in the book more than you did before. You see more in you than there was before. --Clifton Fadiman

Back from the vackay, more to come.

But this quote made me think about what I've been doing a lot: re-reading. Today I found two whole chapters I swear were not there the first time I read About a boy. And I swear I do not remember Cannie being so funny in Good in bed. Or that the column was called that BEFORE Bruce started writing about C. And there were pieces I forget from Blue Like Jazz. And while I prefer Deborah Tannen when it comes to the war of the sexes, Mars and Venus on a date is very helpful. Although is it rereading if you haven't finished the book? I keep rereading the first five chapters.

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Week 4 (from Four Weeks Mag, where else?)

Day 23 to the end of your cycle
Today's hormone-cast: You may lose your temper today and say what you really feel as plunging estrogen brings down the level of your feel-good brain chemical serotonin. Some good news? Speaking your mind, especially during arguments with your mate, is healthy! That's the latest word from researchers from Eaker Epidemiology Enterprises in Gaithersburg, Maryland, who found that women who keep silent during marital arguments are four times more likely to die prematurely as well as suffer depression and irritable bowel syndrome.

FYI, I did not lose my temper. But I almost flipped the bird at some water skiier who came too close to the dock where we were swimming and couldn't stop staring. Without my glasses I couldn't tell what her expression was. My sister said the woman must have thought we were Canadian and she was impressed by our cold water prowess.

I had to explain what "flip the bird" was to my mother.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Thinking about money....

So I'm not linking because I'm not quoting, but today's hormone horoscope was revealing.

I woke up worrying about my electric bill which is twice the usual size (did I miss a month, or am I using more A/C this summer than last?) and my phone bill, which I need to call Verizon and get on a different calling plan. Also, an insurance company owes me $200 from forever ago and I can't get them to pay up.

So, apparently dropping estrogen makes me think about stuff like that. Huh. I'm officially in Week 3, which for some women starts a pre-PMS.

This is the last month I have to chart for the study I'm in. So I'm going to start working on a chart that works for me.

Today is NOT a day off--I have the chiro at 8:45, therapist at 11, and then work. I'm tearing down the Story Store (bookstore for the Storytelling Festival.) And then tonight I'm helping out with Vacation Bible School at the OD. So I better find something fun, or I'll burst.

First we go drop off the kids. Then we take a walk.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Gab gab talk talk

Week 2 (Hormonology, courtesy of Four Weeks Mag)

Day 8 to Day 13
Today's hormone-cast: You're super-talkative today thanks to high chat-loving estrogen and testosterone. And what a perfect day for gabbing away! These high hormones are improving your memory, so you're recalling lots of five syllable words you thought you'd never use again. Plus, you're more eloquent this week than any other week of your cycle, making your verbal stumbles few and far between!

Um, that's why Monday was so wonderful, chatting up the Lazy River with Kristi.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Fascinating stuff that I feel compelled to share...

From "tricky foods" (from Four Weeks Magazine, where else?)

"Smaller containers of orange juice give you more vitamin C! That's because ready-to-drink OJ rapidly loses its vitamin C as soon as it’s opened, according to an American Dietetic Association study."

Well, I don't like orange juice--I prefer oranges themselves and have gotten out of the habit of eating them. But I figure most folks have OJ for breakfast and that this would be an interesting bit of info.

Another tidbit: in the 2nd week (8-13 days) a woman's sense of smell is heightened for three things: "roses, male sweat and male urine. You can thank today's high estrogen for your nasal ability. In early cave days, during this fertile high-estrogen phase of your cycle your nose was important for sniffing out a man's health through his excretions. And the roses? Obviously, even cave girls couldn't resist a pretty long-stemmed bouquet..." (also FWM)

Roses--wow, it's been a long time since I've had a real one (I sometimes buy the miniature roses at Whole Foods.)

I had bizarr-o dreams last night probably due to the fact that I forgot my bedtime meds.

Over and out...