Monday, April 30, 2007

Day Two: Solutions

So today was Day Two, the dreaded day of the worst cramps. So yesterday I allowed myself a movie (In the Land of Women, yes, I cried) and today I scheduled a massage. Yes, a full body massage, and it was wonderful.

But it's doing nothing for my broken heart.

On a church placard board, "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted." Well, I feel like everyone is miles and miles away. I ache, my eyes need sleep, and my body resists sleep.

This too shall pass--it better!!!

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Sarah Louise tries the 10 Essentials...

So Easter is almost over--I don't think I've had a more stressful Lenten season since--well, last year.

I take TriVita Sub-lingual B-12. It help n'stuff. I can't say exactly "it cured my eczema" or "I don't get depressed anymore" but I know that it helps. I was having all kinds of stomach stuff going on right around the time I started taking it and it helped.

I tend to stress. A LOT. And even though I know taking a walk in the morning is a great idea, I don't. I go straight to the computer. It's an addiction.

So, since the TriVita folks got my email addy a few months ago, I've started getting their newsletter on Saturdays. Usually I'm cataloguing and I don't have time to read (or I steal time to read, more likely, lately.) But today I'm on the reference desk without a definite project so I'm surfing, reading email, and yes, blogging.

So I surfed through the newsletter and found the TriVita 10 Essentials. (the title is a link, but here they are too):

  1. breathe deeply
  2. drink water
  3. sleep peacefully
  4. eat nutriously
  5. enjoy activity
  6. give and recieve love
  7. be forgiving
  8. practice gratitude
  9. develop acceptance
  10. develop a relationship with God

I was late today. I have no idea how I got my alarm clock to only work on Wednesdays and so I thought it would go off today--it DIDN'T.

A girl just came in with the most sparkly red shoes ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyways, I've been pretty much a grouch the past week. Ever since my parents left, I've been playing catch up and I've been hormonal and needing more anti-depressants and....




So...breathe deep--I have a real problem with breathing.

Drink water, I can do that.

Sleep--I've got that one down. It's 4-10 that I have problems with, you know, on a CONSISTENT basis.

Anyways...maybe I'll go try to find a project to work on.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Sometimes you just have to STOP!

So I'm taking a half day tomorrow. Because I felt that tickle in my throat and today is a marathon day--I had my chiropractic re-eval at 7:30 (I coasted in at 7:45). I got to work at 8:50, which is a record, for me. (I'm chronically late.)

Still dealing with Aunt Flo...

Am contemplating yet another blog (stop the madness!) that would be just on "women's health" (what a euphemism!) called "The Red Tent" (more on the concept, not Ann Diamant's book.)

But for now, I'm trying to drink lots of water, take my cold-eeze (zinc), and sneeze into my sleeve.

Oh, and prepare for Easter dinner. No clue how many are coming...

Am going to look into "online journaling." Oprah has a site, and there are a few Christian sites. This article and my therapist are goading me to look into it. I'll let ya know.