Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Lifestyle tips from Sarah Louise...tip #28

Not allowing yourself to grieve: not a good idea.

Telling yourself you are stupid to be so thin skinned that a single email can start the tears again: give yourself some grace.

But I do need to get out of this "me, me, me." Oh help.

1 comment:

Heidi Renee said...

I wanted you to know I hear you!

Is there something cool you could do for someone this christmas that might take some sneaky planning and anonymously just be St. Nick for them?

I remember the lowest Christmas I had I overheard one of my sunday school girls talking about the microwave that died at their house. I filed that away and our family St. Nick'd them and dropped it off on their porch anonymously and never told them we did it - it was the most fun we had - they couldn't figure out how anyone knew they needed one, and how it got delivered to their door - their kids talked about it for weeks at youth group. We just smiled the whole time - I love that kind of thing - and it always gets me out of myself.

Love you!